Giselle Bruskewitz
Giselle Bruskewitz is a passionate local food system advocate and organizer in Iowa. Giselle began work as a student leader at the University of Iowa and has been collaborating in communities across the state for over a decade to build a more sustainable local food economy centered around education and access. She graduated from UI in 2012 and created her own major through Interdepartmental Studies called "Sustainable Community Development with and Emphasis in Language and Culture". As the Food Hub Manager at Field to Family, Giselle built a wholesale non-profit food hub from the ground up by partnering with farmers and institutional buyers to increase access to fresh local food in the cafeterias that feed thousands of people in our community every day. As Program Director at Iowa Valley RC&D Giselle coordinates collaborative work with the Food Hub Managers Working group, works on development of the Johnson County Historic Poor Farm and continues to manage projects focused on community ownership, food access and social equity. She also serves as the Chair of the Johnson County Food Policy Council and enjoys beekeeping in her free time.